Welcome to Our Free Wallpapers Page

Wallpapers Added Monthly


These Inspiring Wallpapers are provided free for our clients and visitors.

To Save Wallpaper from a Windows PC, Simply right-click and select “Save Picture As” from the menu. Or select “Set as background” to make it your current Desktop Wallpaper.

// Simply list all the files in the wallpapers directory in the proper format
$theme_name = get_template();
$directory = “wp-content/media/wallpapers/”;

//get all image files with a .jpg extension
$images = glob($directory . “*.jpg”);
// sort by datetime, from newest to oldest
usort($images, create_function(‘$b, $a’, ‘return filemtime($a) – filemtime($b);’));

//print each file name
foreach($images as $image) {
// $file = basename($image, “.jpg”);
$file = basename($image);
// echo “".substr($file,0,-4)."“;
echo ““;

